Let's say you're looking for a simple, speedy divorce in New York. If so, The Law Offices Of SRIS, P.C. is the only place you should go. 

We know it might be scary to understand the complex legal repercussions of a conversion divorce, but don't worry—our team of knowledgeable attorneys is here to help you every step of the way.

The Law Offices Of SRIS, P.C. is dedicated to offering its customers individualized, considerate, and goal-oriented legal assistance. 

While protecting your rights and interests, our goal is a speedy settlement that reduces anxiety and uncertainty.

If you're ready to embrace a fresh start and go forward with confidence, our conversion divorce lawyers can help. Together, let's set out on this adventure to create the foundation for a brighter future.

Conversion divorce definition:

A conversion divorce is an option for couples who have already completed a separation agreement and gone through a formal separation. 

The parties must follow the terms of their separation agreement and be legally separated for at least a year in order to be eligible for a conversion divorce.

Qualifications for a New York Conversion Divorce:

For a couple to be qualified for a conversion divorce in New York, they need to meet the following conditions:

  1. The couple must spend a minimum of a year apart legally.
  2. They had to sign a separation agreement that was accepted by the court.
  3. The terms of their separation agreement must have been their primary focus.
  4. The terms of the divorce, such as property division, alimony, child support, and custody, must be agreeable to both parties.

If both parties meet these conditions, they can file for a conversion divorce with the court. 

If the court finds that the couple is eligible for a conversion divorce after reviewing the petition and separation agreement, it will grant the petition and issue a divorce decree.

Benefits of Conversion Divorce: Selecting a conversion divorce over a traditional divorce has a number of advantages.

  1. It is often quicker and less expensive.
  2. It could be less emotionally exhausting because the couple does not have to go through the entire divorce process again.
  3. The divorce may go more smoothly now that the pair has had time to work out the specifics.

Issues with Divorce Conversion:

There are several disadvantages to getting a conversion divorce as well:

  1. Every detail of the divorce can be agreed upon by the couple.
  2. If the couple has significant debts or assets, it might not be as beneficial.
  3. If there are children in the marriage, it could be harder to get a conversion divorce.

Conversion divorce is typically a preferable option for couples who have already completed a separation agreement and a legal separation. 

It's a more expedient, less expensive, and friendly way to get a divorce. But before deciding whether to go through with a conversion divorce, it's important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages carefully.